Monday, February 13, 2012

High Five!

Well, the Wildcats pulled out a win on Saturday night. The first half was awesome. The second half, I was sweating bullets. I thought I was going to have to leave the room for the health of the babies. Why are basketball games so stressful? But the Big Blue stayed strong and got one on the road, thanks in large part to my beloved cousin, Terrence Jones, and to Stefan Urquelle. Yes, that's right, Marquis Teague has fully graduated from Steve Urkel to Stefan Urquelle. No longer am I a nervous wreck when he's running the team. He is calm, in control, and playing some nice basketball, my friends!

Oh, pardon me, friends, while I take a few moments to drink my chocolate milkshake that my lovely husband made for me and brought to me while I sat in bed typing this blog. Mmm...tastes like a Frosty! He even made it with frozen yogurt, so that counts as being healthy, right? Whatever the case, healthy or not, it is delicious and I have the best husband in the world. He also cooked me dinner while I napped on the couch. That is love.

The babies must take after Doug Bear because they are already pretty awesome. I know these ultrasound pictures are creepy, so I'll keep them to a minimum, but I thought this one was too cool to not share! High-five! Look at that cute little hand! Baby A is one cool dude/dudette.