Sunday, April 10, 2011

Things I Learned in Dwarf

Beetle had her first hamburger when she was 14. They had always raised cattle, but never slaughtered the cattle for meat; instead, the family raised the cattle for milk or traded them.

Beetle had her first pop when she was around 8 years old. Her daddy brought it home. It was orange pop--either Nehi or Crush, she can't remember the brand exactly. What an excellent pop for your first ever soda experience!

At the 50th wedding anniversary for Great Grandma Maude and Great Grandpa Austin, Aunt Kathy said to her grandmother, "Wow, Grandma, how exciting, to be married for 5o years." To which Great Grandma replied, "50 years of PURE HELL." a follow-up, let it be know that ole "Goose Shit," as he so lovingly called her, did love her husband, and 2 weeks after his death was even overheard saying, "I kinda miss the ole feller."

Beetle remembers eating her first graham cracker. It was at the county fair. She was about 7 or 8 and her Granny Leona had taken them all down to the fair. They rode down in a wagon. Leona went into a store and came back out with a jar of marshmallow creme and a box of graham crackers. To this day, this is one of Beetle's favorite treats.

1 comment:

  1. We missed you at dinner Friday, but I'm so glad you got to spend time with your family. Not enough people think to ask their grandparents and other family members what their lives were like in the past.
