Monday, April 11, 2011

I Hate Snakes

One of my earliest childhood memories involves a snake and may explain why, to this day, I vehemently despise them...

There I was, a young lass of 3 or 4, walking hand-in-hand with my mama to the top of the hill to meet my cousins at the bus stop. Though the driveway did have gravel, it was mostly dirt, so I was able to wear my Minnie Mouse house shoes. You remember the ones...with the big plastic head on the front? They were radical. Anyway, I'm hoofing it up the hill with my mom when I feel something tug on Minnie's head, then something cold touch my skin. I looked down and screamed bloody murder. It was a green snake crawling up my leg! Aaaah! Traumatized. And that, my friends, is why I hate snakes.
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