Sunday, June 9, 2013

Toys for Twins

The boys will be turning 1 soon...too in next month! Oh Lord, can you believe we have survived a year? Anyway, I want to ask something of you, my friends. If you plan on buying these dudes a birthday present (which isn't necessary, obviously) consider the following:

  1. How annoying is the music/sirens/flashing lights? Will I blow my brains out after hearing it play on a continuous loop?
  2. Is it something that can be fashioned into a weapon? Brothers like to knock each other over the head with toys.
  3. Is it really cool? Buy two. Please. I beg of you. The exact same thing. When toys are involved, twins do not have individual personalities. They are the same. They want the same. If they don't get the same, it is the mother who suffers.
That is all. Carry on.

Now I have, "Carry on, my wayward sooooon! They'll be peace when you are doooonnee!" stuck in my head. Jamming tune.

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