Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I'm Baaack!

Well, some of you may be wondering (well, okay, only Doug is wondering), where have I been? Why haven't I been blogging? Especially since I have all this free time now, what with graduating and all (what? you didn't know I graduated? I guess I really haven't written in about 100 years). Well, let me just tell you, I have been extremely busy! That's right, I've been focusing on important things. For example, I went to bed at 8:30 last night. Sleep. Sleep. Oh, and sleep. I have been catching up on those zzz's I was cheated out of for the past 2 years. I've also been watching a lot of TV...nothing of note, just vegging out in front of the tube. Rotting my brain. Loving every minute of it.

Speaking of TV, boys and girls, Boyd Crowder is back! Yes, Justified started up last night. I am waiting on Doogie to return from class so we can watch it! See what's happenin' in Harlan County. Currently, I am watching American Idol. A girl from Winchester was just singing. She sounds like me (uh, not the singing voice, good grief, I can't sing at all...I'm talking about the accent). Anyhow, it's funny to hear people who sound like me on TV, gives me some perspective. I sound like that? Let's be honest, I probably sound a lot worse (worse isn't the right's not a bad thing to have an accent, not even mine). That gal was from Central Kentucky. We talk a little funnier down in southeast Ky.

Man alive, I just watched Next of Kin the other night (thanks for the b-day gift, friend)! Liam Neeson played Briar (that's BRAR in Appalachian) Gates, and I tell you, he would fit right in down in the mountains. He was awesome! Cracked me up throughout the whole flick. My favorite line from the movie (and I tell you, might be my favorite line from any movie awesome) was his dying words to his dear brother Truman, "I should've waited for you. We could've whooped them together." I think you need to watch this movie.

VROOM VROOM! I just heard the DoogieMobile. Signing off. Time to take a trip to Harlan!

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