Okay, so it has been a while. What can I say? That's what happens when you have too much school work, work work, and are lazy! But, I am back, and ready to blog. A lot has happened since we last met:
The spring semester finally came to an end. I thought I was going to die before it was over with, but I made it through with the support (or tolerance) of my beautiful husband and my dear

friends. I got all As. Woo-hoo! But, I did miss out on Joey Votto bobblehead night at Great American Ballpark. That was quite unfortunate considering I arranged the gathering, but at least my sweet friend T-Bo (I cannot claim to have come up with that nickname, but I shall use it) obtained a JV bobblehead for me to give to Beetle. Oh! You should have seen her when I brought that bobblehead in. She was so excited. She showed him off to everyone, then put him on her bookshelf next to Bronson. But the best was when she got up to show the family the hitters' rituals performed before hitting the ball. First she did Votto,
then Bruce, then she said, "And I'm not going to show you what Squirrel Head (aka Johnny Gomes) does. That's plumb nasty." What I wouldn't give to have that on video!
I finished watching Justified. Both seasons were outstanding, but the Season 2 finale was dumb, and no one gives a crap about dumb Winona, so they should just go ahead and kill that storyline. Boyd Crowder, on the other hand, is fantastic. Walton Goggins plays the part perfectly. I especially liked scenes when Boyd would preach. I promise you, that really is how a southern baptist preacher preaches. But, I still stand by review that other than the accents and the proclamation of Lexington being the end all be all of "getting out of the holler," everything else is ridiculous. Maybe Dwarf is just a lot calmer than Harlan? Whatever the case, the show is still a must see.
I started reading Game of Thrones and also watching the HBO series based on the novels. So far, so good! Does that make me a mega fantasy dweeb? Oh well, I am already dweeby enough, might as well add another dimension to the dorkiness. Speaking of, I got a kick ass Chewbacca shirt at Target. It says, "A wookie ate my homework." Be jealous.
Doogie has been a mad man since school has let out. He installed a DOORBELL! Finally, after 3 years of living in this house, guests will no longer have to stand at the door wondering if we are

deaf or just ignoring them, for our doorbell actually works now. That being said, everyone who comes to our house is under the impression that the doorbell is broken, so will anyone ever use the new one? The wait is on. After the doorbell, Doogie began working on the ole cat ramp. Yes, you read that correctly, cat ramp. Last summer when tiling the floor in the backroom, Doogie cut a hole in the floor in order to build a ramp down to the basement. At the end of this ramp, he has installed a little area to house the litter boxes. Now, when the kittens have to do their business, they go down to the basement, meaning I (or anyone who frequents the back room) no longer have to look at cat boxes when searching the back fridge for a brewskie. What this also means is that the room is now ready for installation of my very own BRAND NEW WASHER & DRYER! My friends, I laid some money down on Sunday at Lowes, and they'll be delivering my shiny new washer and dryer on Saturday. Hells bells! We are on a roll!
Lastly, it saddens me to report that my vow went out the window shortly after typing the last blog. For dinner tonight, I had a big boy and fries. I am destined to always eat poorly. I just need to accept it. But, I would like to mention that I did finally cook those brussel sprouts, and I actually liked them! So kudos to that!