Tuesday, February 23, 2016

In Case You Were Wondering: School Day 2

Day 2 of school is in the books.

Doug said Julian had another tough morning; he cried when he was dropped off, wanting Doug to carry him and not leave. I'm glad he did not do that yesterday. I'm not sure I would have survived that. The teacher sent an email later in the afternoon that cheered me up a little: 

Julian ended up having a better morning than yesterday. He chose some independent work, worked with a friend, and he seemed to enjoy going to music class.

Julian working on a frog puzzle at school.
At least he doesn't hate it, and he has yet refused to go. Quite the opposite really. He's very positive when he comes home.

According to the boys, they really love school and had a good time today. What did they do today? "Went to the playground. Ate crackers. Washed hands. Went to the playground. Did a frog puzzle. Went to the playground. Read books. Played with friends. Went to the playground." Thus far, I gather their favorite subject is recess!

Since she arrived a few minutes early, Rachel had the opportunity to spy on our boys while they were playing outside. She observed that Julian had a new friend. She also saw how happy the boys were to be reunited, as they repeatedly hugged one another, and waited for each other at the bottom of the slide.

I love those guys.

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