As you may have noticed, I have been increasingly absent from blogging for the past six months or so. Why is that? Well, friends, the answer is simple: I have three babies.
People often ask, "How is it with the twins (2.5 years old) and the baby (4 months old)?"
I'll be frank.
It's hell, ladies and gents. Exhausting, frustrating, stressful, and extremely difficult.
Comedian Jim Gaffigan summed it up nicely when asked a similar question about life with lots of babies, "Imagine you're drowning. Then, someone hands you a baby."
He could not be more accurate.
But at the same time, life with three babies is overwhelmingly wonderful. There are no words to describe the way my heart feels when I get home from work and see those little faces light up with joy at seeing their Mama. Oh, and how sweet the sound of little voices saying the simplest of greetings, "Hi, Mom." And nothing in this big old world feels better than those tiny arms draped around my neck, and a little head on my shoulder.
Yep, it's hard, and some days I just want to hide in bed, but every night I give hugs and kisses and snuggles and lots of love. And I get it all back times three.
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