6:15 Alarm goes off...I think. I wouldn't really know, as I didn't wake up until 6:41
6:42 Doze off and have a mini-dream. I can't recall what the dream was about, just know that I had one.
6:45 Wonder if we could get Yoshi's vocal cords snapped...you know, like those little old ladies did to Vincent, the mini- doberman pinscher that Beetle adopted for like a day. (Vincent was suave, he even wiped his feet off on the doormat before proceeding on into the house. But alas, Barksdale Cornett was not a fan of Vincent, so Vinnie had to go.) Anyway, Yoshi has the loudest, most blood-curdling meow ever. Makes my ears bleed. YOW! YOW! FEED ME!
6:52 Finally make it downstairs to the shower. Flash Gordon has snuck into the bathroom, but is now trapped in the "plant nook"(there hasn't been any plants in the plant nook for 2 years). He is terrified that water may accidentally touch him. Oh, Doug Bear is going to have fun giving this little wildcat a bath. He has to get so fresh and so clean for movie night on Saturday.
7:30 Mmmm ham croissandwich.
7:50 Bah! Work sucks. I hate work. Why is it Monday? I hate Mondays! Did I mention, work sucks?
7:53 Start writing.
8:35 Finger nearly severed by stack of paper (paper which contains comments about how badly my report sucks...well, ya know what, reviewer lady, you suck)! Write, write, write.
9:00 Survey my friends and try to find a suitable bubble bath. Kroger bubble bath sucks. Mr. Bubble sucks. Calgone bubble bath sucks. Please, friends, help me with this quandary.
Return to writing.
9:03 Receive reply from K, who suggests margarita-scented bubble bath. Start thinking about margaritas. Good thoughts spoiled by return to writing.
9:12 Receive a gift from a beautiful friend. Earrings! AND a pic of Doogie and I in our awesome Christmas sweaters.
9:13 Write, write, write.
9:35 Kill a gnat. Use hand sanitizer to kill germs from squished gnat. Forget about massive papercut. Oh it burns!!! Write, write, write.
11:19 As the best husband ever, Doug Bear says he has ordered me some new bubble bath. Woo-hoo. *sigh....go back to writing. Write, write, write.
11:30 Finally, it is lunch time. Go check out the free soup and salad bar. Talk of zombies and raptor arms ensues.
12:19 Recommence writing. LDL-C, HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C ratio. "Why did you write this?" "What does this mean?" Write, write, and write some more.
3:31 Revisit the topic of margaritas. Daydream about those peach margaritas at El Rio. I haven't tried one yet, I didn't even know there were such wonders, but now that I'm aware, they're all I think about. Mmmmmargaritas! Sadness overwhelms me, as I redirect my thoughts to writing.
4:15 Ask K if she's heard about the peach margaritas. Would she be willing to try one?
4:30 Convince the husband that El Rio is the place to be for supper. Finish up incorporating those nasty comments.
4:35 Laugh at BG as karma hands him a bloody thumb. Nearly pass out when seeing said bloody thumb.
4:52 Leave work! Hooray!
6:20 Arrive at El Rio. Commence to drinking margaritas!!!
7:30: Now I'm back at home. Time to start on homework. Booo! Read, read, read. No fun.
Tomorrow, the game starts again.